Holy cats, reminded of the fact that I even HAVE this site by meeting an enthusiastic young smith at the local coffee shop yesterday, and checking in today realize I am such a pathetic blogger LOL Well then. A quick entry and maybe later I can upload a picture of some kind...
Last year's student resurfaced and will begin SOLDERING this week! Excitement! And the need to clean up the torch area...
Slow build-up of running schedule from last fall's crotchety SI joint craziness was going fabulously until my feet decided to implode. Magic 8 Ball says that timing is not good- imagine that. New orthotics should be here any day and new shoes to follow that and by God I need to get moving because I called the Horsetooth Half folks and they stubbornly refused to push the race out a couple weeks. Hmph. Just when my training partners and I found the perfect brutal hill to train on!! Breathe. Relax. Keep eye on the fall trail run prize...
Working on square ring for aforementioned training partner. Have made 2 I hated so third time should be a charm. I mean, a ring. You know. Inspired by CRAZY GORGEOUS new Todd Reed stuff (see above, that is his, so not mine!! go to www.toddreed.com for more luscious pics). Why am I not working for him, again? Oh yeah, because I am spread way too thin, that's right, almost forgot for a second there...
Have a list as long as my arm of home improvement projects to distract myself from the fact that I'm about to go nuts with coaching track in a couple weeks. It is MUCH easier to research daylilies and measure for new shutters than to figure out how to teach 50 insane middle-schoolers how to come out of the blocks, stay in their lanes and pass the baton between the arrows while keeping inappropriate comments to a minimum and the kids, well, alive...
Did I mention that I can't wait for track? LOL :)
I hope I hear from you, Shannon! I know you're working but I am flexible, would love to have you getting some creative time in the studio! Someone has to LOL